Every single day, we can perceive changes in every aspects of our daily life with new technological breakthroughs and advances in knowledge. The biotechnology industry is one of the industries that face many changes due to the constant research, technology improvements, and scientific discoveries.
Indeed, Biotechnology is changing the way we eat, treat diseases, and even the quality of our lives. But what can we expect from Biotechnology in 2020? Here are some of the Biotech trends that the world should expect to see in the forthcoming 2020:

» Continued developments and improvements in Drug Research
There will be a boost in the integration of assessment devices that will incorporate various methods like MRI scans, lab equipment, and in-patient monitoring in their management tools for better patient care. Consequently, doctors can combine the necessary data and provide a more accurate in diagnosis and better treatment path for their patients.
» An increase in the digital assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients
The digital transformation and evolution is increasingly present in Biotechnology, which allows the remote assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients around the world. With companies like Virtual Health that provide wireless device assistants, virtual diagnostics are possible. Some general physicians can even prescribe medicines through their virtual clinics with their online database access via LiveHealth Online or Teladoc. Telepractice is now a developing and growing trend in the biotech world.
» A more Personalized Medicine thanks to advances in Genetic
Many scientists and genetic experts have discovered several conditions that are inherited. Based on the DNA of each individual, it is possible to produce a more personal kind of medicine, individually adjusting the therapy or clinical procedure, for heart diseases, diabetes, Lupus, and thousands of other diseases.
» An improvement in the approval timeline of various drugs
In the past, critical medications were held for a long period because of the long approval process of the FDA or Food and Drug Administration. Thanks to technological advancements, government regulatory boards can now improve the drugs testing speed. They can do much better trials for their candidate patients, too.
A perfect illustration of this is the Real-Time Oncology Review (RTOR) pilot project that rally aims to accelerate the approval of drug that are connected to the treatment of cancer.
» A more intense focus on Immune Cell Function
Immunity is one of the growing areas of studies under the biotech branch of science because it has the power to prevent the spread of harmful diseases. Thus, there is an increase in the interest and study of the immune cell function so it can be noted what types of viruses and bacteria can be treated effectively. All of this have a big effect on the field of immunotherapy.
Besides all of these trends, there are some facts we would like to note:

* The nutraceutical field still needs more scientific evidence
Natural supplements are very abundant in the market but they still lack proof and data to back up their claims. Scientists are needed to provide research in this category.
* The environmental sciences sector need public awareness and more innovations.
The issues regarding the environment is still a big problem and biotech can have a hand in addressing this. Today, 14 billion pounds of trash is dumped into the oceans and landfills are the main source of soil pollution. Scientific output regarding this sector must be increased to put a stop to this problem.
* Marine biology - a world still with a lot to discover!
The deep-sea diving technology made it possible to discover marine life. However, there are still more areas of the vast ocean with its marine life that have remained untapped.