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Débora A. Campos, Post-Doc researcher in the by-products valorization


Atualizado: 30 de jun. de 2020

Hi! My name is Débora, I am 31 years old and I started by Bachelor in 2007 in Bioscience at School of Biotechnology in the Portuguese Catholic University (ESB-UCP), followed by a Master degree in Applied Microbiology at the same institution, which I finished in 2013. At the same year I started at fellow research in the Bioactive Laboratory in CBQF, the research institute of ESB-UCP in a national project - Nanodairy.

To work directly in the lab, open my eyes to research and how could I work in such segment, with the purpose of pursuit a research career I started my PhD in the same institution in 2015. In mean while, I went in several international institution to grow and learn from the bests outside of Portugal. Nowadays, I work as a Post-Doc researcher at CBQF, in the by-products valorization areas, for development of novel ingredients."

In this blog post, she came to share a little of her academic path, her research work, as well as her opinion about what is more stimulating and challenging in the life of a scientist.


What was your dream profession as a child?

When I was a child, I dreamed to be a singer.

What was your academic background and how important was it for your present/future?

As described in the summary, I pursuit this career due to my academic background, therefore it was very important to decide my future.

If you could go back, what would you change in your career and academic life?

Nothing! I would not change a think!

Briefly, what does your research work consist of, and why did you choose this area?

My research work is focused on the development of novel technologies based on green chemistry. I choose this area, due to the open possibilities.

In your opinion, what is the most stimulating thing in research VS the biggest challenges / difficulties in research? Did you ever imagine being where you are?

The biggest challenges are to have a stable scientific career and precariousness. I never imagine to pursue this career, and I never imagine being where I am doing what I am doing.

What advice would you give to people who are thinking about going to study Biotechnology (or another area of science), to those who are studying, and to recent graduates?

Work hard and be available!

We are grateful to Débora A. Campos for sharing her testimonial.

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