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Products based on bee substances such as honey and propolis


Anabela Silva participated in the 8th CAP University & Polytechnic Competition, with the project “NaturalBee”. The project was highlighted as one of the 5 finalists in the 8th CAP University & Polytechnic Competition – “Cultiva o teu futuro - inovação na apicultura” (Cultivate your future - innovation in beekeeping).

NaturalBee's mission was to supply several ranges of products based on bee substances such as honey and propolis.

The main product developed by the Anabela’s group was a dressing based on honey and propolis that allowed not only to be a physical barrier, but also an antimicrobial barrier. Therefore, this dressing created a favourable environment for wounds, promoting and accelerating their healing. This dressing stood out for being a natural, complete and on-the-go alternative.

What is propolis?

Propolis is a resinous substance obtained by bees through the collection of resin from the flora (bee pasture) of the region, and altered by the action of enzymes contained in their saliva. The colour, flavour and aroma of propolis vary according to its botanical origin. It is composed of 55% vegetable resins; 30% beeswax; 8 to 10% of essential oils; and 5% pollen approximately.

Propolis has several biological and therapeutic properties. Since antiquity, propolis has been used as a popular medicine in the treatment of wounds and infections. Propolis is known as a powerful natural antibiotic.

Today propolis is used more frequently in the prevention and treatment of wounds and infections of the oral route, as well as an antimycotic and healing agent, often used as a spray. More recent studies indicate an efficient action of some of its active compounds with immunostimulant and anti-tumour action.

Did you know the properties of propolis?

How fantastic is this innovation? A dressing based on honey and propolis! More environmentally friendly is impossible!

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